



Which Fish Can Go with Cichlids in a Fish Tank

による Mr.Knowledgeable 30 Sep 2024 0件のコメント

Cichlids are known for their territorial and sometimes aggressive nature, so choosing tankmates for them requires careful consideration. However, there are certain species of fish that can coexist with cichlids, provided the aquarium is large enough, the water conditions are suitable, and there are plenty of hiding spaces.

Here are some fish species that can go with cichlids in a tank:

1. Catfish (Corydoras, Synodontis, Plecos)

  • Corydoras Catfish: These peaceful bottom dwellers do well with smaller, less aggressive cichlids like dwarf cichlids (Apistogramma or Bolivian rams). They help keep the tank clean by scavenging uneaten food.
  • Synodontis Catfish: These African species are often good choices for larger, more aggressive African cichlids, as they are hardy and can tolerate a bit of aggression.
  • Plecos: Certain types of Plecos, such as the Bristlenose Pleco, can do well in a cichlid tank. They are tough, armored fish that won’t be easily bullied and will help keep algae in check.Care Guide for Cory Catfish – The Perfect Community Bottom Dweller –  Aquarium Co-Op

2. Other Cichlids

  • Dwarf Cichlids: Some cichlids, like the smaller and less aggressive dwarf cichlids (e.g., Apistogramma, Kribensis, or German Blue Rams), can coexist with other peaceful cichlids.
  • Mbuna and Other African Cichlids: In African cichlid tanks, you can keep a variety of species together if the tank is large enough, and there are enough territories (rocks and caves). Cichlids from Lake Malawi or Lake Tanganyika, such as Peacock Cichlids or Mbuna, often do well when kept with their own kind.The 10 best dwarf cichlids for your aquarium - Help Guides

3. Rainbowfish

Rainbowfish are fast swimmers and tend to stay in the middle or upper parts of the tank, avoiding much of the aggression from cichlids. Species like Boesemani Rainbowfish or Australian Rainbowfish are good companions for cichlids as they are large, active, and colorful.Amazon.com : Neat&Tidy Boesemani Rainbow Fish (Sold in Packs of 3) - Live  Fish for Aquarium Exotic Freshwater Live Fish, Live Aquarium Fish, Live  Fish, Live Freshwater Fish Freshwater Fish Live Buy

4. Giant Danios

Giant Danios are active, fast-moving fish that can out-swim most cichlids. Their speed and schooling behavior help them avoid cichlid aggression, making them suitable tankmates, especially for larger or more aggressive cichlids.Giant Danio & Zebra Danio | Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine

5. Silver Dollar Fish

Silver Dollars are peaceful, large-bodied fish that can be a good match for larger, less aggressive cichlids. Their size helps deter aggressive behavior, and they tend to stay in groups, which makes them less vulnerable.The Best Tank Size and Setup for Silver Dollar Fish

Important Considerations:

  • Tank Size: A large tank with plenty of space and hiding spots (rocks, caves, plants) is essential when keeping cichlids with other fish.
  • Water Conditions: Ensure that the fish you're pairing with cichlids can tolerate the same water parameters. African cichlids, for example, prefer hard, alkaline water, while South American cichlids prefer softer, slightly acidic water.
  • Aggression Levels: Always match the aggression level of your tankmates. Pairing peaceful fish with aggressive cichlids will likely result in injuries or fatalities.
  • Territories: Cichlids are territorial, so providing enough space and hiding spots is critical to reduce aggression.

By carefully selecting compatible fish, managing aggression, and providing the right environment, it’s possible to have a peaceful community tank with cichlids.








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