



5 Floating Plants You Can Use in Your Aquarium.

による Mr.Knowledgeable 18 Jun 2024 0件のコメント

It just so happens that there is too much light in the aquarium and it needs to be shaded. This is beneficial for fish that prefer less light. In this case (and not only) floating aquarium plants work well. Which varieties are worth choosing? Below we have listed the 5 most recommended floating plants.

How are floating plants placed?

Plants that float on the surface of an aquascape offer more arrangement options than just the features listed above. Slightly shaded tanks with a greenish surface look more natural. Plants also indirectly fight algae. They are hiding places for small fish and sometimes even "platforms" for nesting. However, you must be careful - floating plants overgrow. They can also burn, so it is worth pouring a little less water into the tank than usual. If possible, it is also recommended to use lighting that does not cause overheating of the air between the lid and the water surface. The list of floating species for aquarium purposes is shorter than that of traditional fish planted underground or attached to permanent elements. However, you can still try an interesting arrangement. It is best not to overplant species here, and place no more than 1-2 species on the surface.

Floating plants for aquariums

Floating plants (small Lemna) are one of the most popular floating plants, which have been used in the aquarium hobby from the very beginning. Single parts are 3-5 mm wide. The leaf blade consists of several miniature leaves. In its center there is a root, which is responsible not only for the absorption of nutrients, but also for the stable floating of the plant on the surface. Puffballs bloom, but it is not common. The species grows well in a wide range of temperatures (15-33°C) and is therefore suitable for both cold water and tropical aquariums. It is characterized by rapid growth - it must be constantly monitored. It has high lighting requirements. It effectively absorbs nitrates. It can be used as food for herbivorous fish.水上的浮萍,翠綠可愛| 浮萍旺盛繁殖,形成美麗的水上及水下景觀| mohome | Flickr

Water Lettuce (Styria Stratiotis) Named for its striking appearance and for the Nile lettuce from which it originates. It grows up to 10 centimeters. It produces fleshy, suede, light green leaves that form characteristic rose knots. Its roots are thin, but long and dense. They are also of high decorative value. At the same time, they are excellent, safe hiding places for fish fry. The plant can flower - the flowers are small, yellow and grow on inflorescence branches. Water lettuce is a widely distributed invasive species (its cultivation is prohibited in some parts of the world). It is harmless in the aquarium for a simple reason - it does not exceed its limits. The treatment is similar to that of floating weeds, and sometimes you will need to catch some of the plants. It grows best when it is warm (optimal temperature is 25-27°C). It does well in both soft and hard water. It prefers humid conditions but is sensitive to moisture that condenses on the leaves. The leaves can then be affected by disease, as a result of which they turn yellow, brown and die.水生菜 - 漂浮活池塘植物

Floating Fern (Tansy) - is a fern that occurs naturally in central Africa Europe, Asia and South America, but has been introduced to almost every part of the world. Like the Floating Fern, it can grow in a wide range of temperatures (12-30°C) and is therefore also suitable for use in cold water aquariums. It has one main disadvantage - it is an annual plant. That's why in tanks it decorates mainly in summer, in winter it usually dies. Spores hibernate in the substrate and float to the surface in the spring. Salvia produces round or oval aquatic and rhizomatous submerged leaves. The leaves are covered with fine hairs. This plant provides good shelter for fish. It is very demanding - you need to feed it with a multi-component fertilizer.Azolla Filiculoides Floating Fern For Sale

Floating Crystal Grass (Quinoa) is a lichen that can be grown in two ways. The plant is sometimes attached to a substrate or aquarium object (e.g. roots). At the same time, it can swim freely and float close to the surface. It creates characteristic spheres or carpets of small, light-green, sticky foliage. It can be destroyed by some herbivores, omnivores, or just curious fish. It can withstand a wide range of temperatures (10-30°C). Swimming specimens do well in a normally lit aquarium. Those placed on the bottom should be provided with strong lighting. It prefers soft water. It does a good job of removing excess nitrates and phosphates from the tank. It is a refuge for fish fry. Labyrinth fish use it for nesting. Care must be taken to over-expand so that the dense coating of floating crystal wort does not reduce water-air gas exchange.

Amazon Frog Bit (Dungeness) Produces rose knots consisting of heart-shaped leaves up to 3 centimeters in diameter. If the water has enough nutrients and good light, new leaves appear on and above the surface of the water in layers up to 5 cm long. It produces long roots that provide good shelter for dwarfs and other fish that prefer the roots of floating plants. The lower mat formed by the floating plant is not decorative in the aquarium, but without decoration it is impossible to achieve uniform growth in the aquarium throughout the year. Limnobium can be grown in tropical aquariums at temperatures from 20 to 30°C. It will show up in colder water. In colder water it slows down significantly. It grows slightly better in soft water. Water hardness should not exceed 10-12° and pH does not matter, with a pH of 6.0-7.5. It needs a layer of warm, moist air above the water surface. Regular water changes are desirable, but the plants themselves feel better in old water.

To summarize, floating plants are not only a decorative element of a planted tank, but also beneficial. Keep in mind that different species of fish have different lightning requirements, and by using floating plants you can partially shade your aquarium to improve the lives of its inhabitants!








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